It has been a long time since I have
posted anything. Been a little crazy for me. First I got laid off
and was trying to find a new position but it didn't work out for me
so I had to move over 1000 miles back home to stay with family while
I look for a new position (I hope we all survive this one). Then
(literally) the next morning after I get into town and get settled in
we got word that my fathers mother had just died, so I was back on
the road within 18 hours of arriving to drive another 1000+ miles to
help my father and his brother and sister with everything. Of course
we then get to drive back home after everything which adds another
1000+ miles, so in less then two weeks I drove over 4500 miles.
Which I admit is nothing for a professional driver but for me that
was more then I drive in a couple months and I did it in something
like 13 days. Which is rough as hell on anyone, don't know how those
long haul truckers do it. I get back and everything appears to be
going well for a change (should have known) and about a week later my
mother is diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer. Really universe
WTF??? So now we are all having to help her deal with that and get
her surgery scheduled and the radiation treatments she will need
afterward. My father and I had planned on a trip to Moab Utah to go
ATVing with my aunt and my mother insisted that we go and have fun.
Well got on the first trail and I had no real idea what I was doing
and got tossed/jumped off and hurt my back, like 20 min into our
ride. Finished going around with everyone, like 6 or 7 more hours on
the trails, and I pretty much couldn't move all that well the next
day. Saw some good stuff, very pretty view at the end of the day of
the green river from some place on the canyon rim. So spent the rest
of the trip drugged up and doing nothing, which isn't so bad I guess,
but still. Needless to say it has been an interesting couple months,
but I am hoping that I can be on eve more now and have some more
stories of fun and general eveness excitement.
Shameless plug:
They picked up my mothers breast cancer
on a routine mammogram and the cancer is only 7 to 9 mm in diameter,
which is pretty damn small. Their has been a lot of talk about a
year ago with some groups saying that routine mammograms should only
be performed yearly on those women who are in a high risk group, well
my family has never had a single case of breast cancer until now. So
my mother was in the lowest risk group you could imagine, and I am
glad she told those guys to fuck off she would get them every year no
matter what those dumb asses said. I whole heartily recommend to
every guy that actually reads this to encourage your mother, sister,
wife, girlfriend, whoever female you have in your life that matters
to you, to go in and get these mammograms done every year. I can't
imagine how bad this would have been if she had waited two years or
more, which is what was recommended by these guys in their brilliant
press conference last year, between hers. As it stands they have
caught my mothers so early that she has every option available to
her, it looks like she will not have to do any chemo, the surgery and
radiation will be enough.
Getting off my soap box.
Ranger Gama